Harappan / Indus Civilization (2500 BC - 1750 BC) (Indian History)

Previous Year Questions Asked in SSC and RRB

1. The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year:  (SSC CGL 2004)

  • 1901
  • 1921
  • 1935
  • 1942

2. Lothal is a site where dockyard of which of the following civilization were found?  (SSC CGL 2006)

  • Indus Valley
  • Mesopotamian
  • Egyptian
  • Persian

3. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of -  (SSC CGL 2008)

  • Pucca bricks
  • Stones
  • Wood
  • All of the above

4. The Indus Valley Civilization was Non-Aryan because -  (RRB 2006)

  • it was urban
  • it has pictographic script
  • it had an agricultural economy
  • it extended up to the Narmada Valley

5. The local name of Mohenjodaro is -  (RRB 2006)

  • Mound of the Living
  • Mound of the Great
  • Mound of the Dead
  • Mound of the Survivor

6. The Indus Valley Civilization specialised in -  (RRB 2006 and SSC 2014)

  • town planning
  • architecture
  • craftsmanship
  • all of these

7. The earliest city discovered in India was -  (SSC CPO 2003)

  • Harappa
  • Rangpur
  • Mohenjodaro
  • Sindh

8. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development?   (SSC CPO 2002)

  • Pottery
  • Seals
  • Boats
  • Houses

9. Which of the following animals was not known to the Indus Valley Civilization?  (SSC 2005)

  • Bull
  • Horse
  • Elephant
  • Giraffe

10. Which one of the following Indus Civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard?  (SSC 2007)

  • Harappa
  • Lothal
  • Mohenjodaro
  • Rakhigarhi

11. An Advanced water management system of Harappan times has been unearthed at -  (Expected in SSC)

  • Dholavira
  • Lothal
  • Kalibangan
  • Alamgirpur

12. Cotton for textile was first cultivated in -  (Expected in SSC)

  • Egypt
  • Mesopotamia
  • Central America
  • India

13. Who discovered the Indus Valley Civilization?  (SSC 2008)

  • Sir Leonard Wooley
  • V.S. Agrawal
  • Dayaram Sahni
  • A.L. Basham

14. Which one of the following was not known to the Harappans?  (Expected in SSC)

  • Construction of Wells
  • Construction of Pillars
  • Construction of Drains
  • Construction of Arches

15. One of the following sites from where the famous Bull seal of Indus Valley Civilization was found -   (Expected in SSC)

  • Harappa
  • Chanhudaro
  • Lothal
  • Mohenjodaro


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