MB Publications (Ajay K. Singh) Special Words

 Special Words

Killing Someone

Patricide - killing one's father

Matricide - killing one's mother

Fratricide - killing one's brother

Sororicide - killing one's sister

Uxoricide - killing one's wife

Viricide/Mariticide - killing one's husband

Filicide/Prolicide - killing one's son or daughter

Parricide - killing one's close relative

Homicide - killing a human being

Infanticide - killing an infant

Foeticide - killing a foetus

Regicide - killing a king

Hericide - killing a master or lord

Ambicide - killing a friend

Genocide - killing people of a particular area


( Excessive desire about something )

Agromania - to be alone or out in the open

Anthomania - flowers

Bibliomania - book collection

Cynomania - dogs

Demomania - crowd

Dipsomania - alcohol

Dromomania / Poriomania - travelling

Entheomania - religion

Ergomania - work

Hedomania - pleasure

Hippomania - horses

Hypomania - low intensity

Kleptomania - stealing things

Logomania / Verbomania - talking

Megalomania - controlling other's life

Melomania - music

Monomania - one particular thing

Mythomania - telling lies

Nostomania - home

Nymphomania - sex (in women)

Phagemania - rich eating

Plutomania - wealth

Pyromania - set things on fire

Sitomania - eating

Xenomania - Foreigners / foreign things


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