
MB Publications (Ajay K. Singh) Special Words

 Special Words Killing Someone Patricide - killing one's father Matricide - killing one's mother Fratricide - killing one's brother Sororicide - killing one's sister Uxoricide - killing one's wife Viricide/Mariticide - killing one's husband Filicide/Prolicide - killing one's son or daughter Parricide - killing one's close relative Homicide - killing a human being Infanticide - killing an infant Foeticide - killing a foetus Regicide - killing a king Hericide - killing a master or lord Ambicide - killing a friend Genocide - killing people of a particular area MANIA ( Excessive desire about something ) Agromania - to be alone or out in the open Anthomania - flowers Bibliomania - book collection Cynomania - dogs Demomania - crowd Dipsomania - alcohol Dromomania / Poriomania - travelling Entheomania - religion Ergomania - work Hedomania - pleasure Hippomania - horses Hypomania - low intensity Kleptomania - stealing things Logomania / Verbomania - talking Mega

Daily GK Update: 4th May 2021

  1.  P C Pant appointed as Acting Chairperson of NHRC Justice (retd)  Prafulla Chandra Pant  has been appointed as the  Acting Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)  with effect from  April 25, 2021. He is a  member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)  since 2019 Prior to his appointment as NHRC member, he was a Judge of the Supreme Court He also served as  Chief Justice of the High Court of Meghalaya. NHRC:  Statutory public body constituted in 1993. It consists of a Chairman and Five members. Read Full News >>   National & International Appointments 2.  Vijay Goel takes additional charge of CMD THDC India Limited Vijay Goel  has assumed  additional charge of Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (THDC) India Ltd  with effect from  May 1 He is currently handling the responsibility of post of Director (Personnel) of THDC. He joined THDC in 1990 as Senior Personnel Officer (SPO)  THDC India Limited:  Mini-ratna

Daily GK Update: 3rd May 2021

  1.  World Press Freedom Day: 3rd May World Press Freedom Day  is being observed every year on  3rd May  globally to discuss journalistic ethics and to celebrate journalists who gave their lives in the pursuit of truth. The day was proclaimed by  UN General Assembly in December 1993 , after the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. The day also celebrates anniversary of  Declaration of Windhoek Theme 2021:  Information as a Public Good 2021 Global Conference  is hosted by  UNESCO  and  Govt of Namibia. Read Full News >>   Honours & Awards 2.  LIC among 10 Most-Valuable Insurance Brand Globally London-based  Brand Finance  has released  Brand Finance Insurance 100 report for 2021  identifying valuable and strongest insurance brands globally As per the report,  Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)  has emerged as  3rd strongest and 10th most valuable insurance brand Brand value of LIC increased to $8.65 billion in 2021 China's  ‘Ping An Insurance’  emerged as Worl

Daily GK Update: 2nd May 2021

  1.  Niraj Bajaj named as Chairman of Bajaj Auto Niraj Bajaj  has been appointed as the new  Chairman of Bajaj Auto  with effect from  May 1, 2021. He will replace  Rahul Bajaj,  who had taken charge of the Bajaj group in 1965. Rahul Bajaj will now serve as the  Chairman Emeritus of Bajaj Auto. Niraj Bajaj is also on the Board of Bajaj Allianz Life and General Insurance Co Ltd, Bachhraj & Company, Jamnalal Sons and various other Bajaj Group companies. Bajaj Auto HQs:  Pune. Bajaj Auto CEO:  Rajiv Bajaj. Read Full News >>   Banking & Finance 2.  RBI joins Network for Greening the Financial System as member RBI  has joined group of Central Banks and Supervisors  ‘Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)’  as a Member. NGFS:  Network of central banks and financial supervisors that are willing to share best practices and contribute to environment, climate risk management, mobilizing mainstream finance NGFS was launched at Paris One Planet Summit on December 12, 2017.